Tuesday, 30 October 2012


There are some great artists and in particular printmakers around and, as I have more time this week, I've been looking in a more leisurely manner at some of the blogs that I regularly check.

If you haven't come across them yet you ought to check out Sue Brown'sbeautiful enamels/prints - as books;  Amanda Colville's intricate lino prints at Mangle Print; Aine Scannell's tradigital/mixed print media pieces are very interesting and she also surveys other tradigital prints too.

Katherine Tyrrell has a number of great blogs - in particular I like the one entitled, 'Making a Mark'.  She is a writer and artist who, 'writes about art for artists and art lovers.
Read about: art, drawing, painting, art news, artists and painters, exhibitions, art competitions, art blogs, the art business, art economy, marketing art, art history; art techniques and tips & making a mark with pastels, coloured pencils and pen & ink.'