Sunday, 14 April 2013

Finding the Balance Exhibition - opens Sat 20 April at Wolverhampton Art Gallery. Meet the artist 1-3pm

Finding the Balance – exhibition  at Wolverhampton Art Gallery

Meet the artist Saturday 20 April  1-3pm

Exhibition runs from Saturday 20 April –  Saturday 18 May

An exhibition of lino prints, monotypes, mixed media prints and iPad drawings exploring that elusive balance within your own life and environment

Finding the balance is a life’s project.   On a personal level when dealing with knocks, worries and demands how do you stay calm?  I asked Lilly (aged 4) and she told me that at nursery she does meditation, or as she calls it, ‘Ommm time’.   I like boxercise, working in my garden, stopping to smell the flowers, having an Indian Head massage...
Creating work for this exhibition is all part of my attempt at finding my own  balance.  I love printmaking and have used a combination of both traditional methods, that involve using a manual etching press, and digital prints and iPad drawings.